Greenfields Primary Sponsors

I-NSNP ijolise ekuphuculeni amandla abafundi okufunda ngokubonelela ngokutya okusempilweni ezikolweni. Apho iphunyezwa khona, le nkqubo ibonakalise ukuphucula ukufika ngexesha, ukuhamba isikolo qho, ukuqina kunye nentlalontle ngokubanzi yabafundi abathatha inxaxheba.
Ngelixa abafundi benikwa ukutya okunezakha mzimba, bakwafundiswa ukumisela nokugcina imikhwa emihle yokutya nendlela yokuphila ubomi babo bonke. Imfundo yezondlo ikwabonelela ootitshala ngezixhobo zoncedo zokuxhasa ikharityhulam nokwenza isikolo ngasinye sibe sisikolo esisempilweni.
Izikolo ziyakhuthazwa ukuba zenze iigadi zokutya apho zifumana khona imveliso entsha (imifuno / iziqhamo) ukongeza kwimenyu ngokungqinelana neMigaqo yokutya esekwe eMzantsi Afrika. Abafundi, ootitshala nabazali banikwa izakhono zokuzikhulisela ukutya kwabo okufaka isandla kukhuseleko lokutya lwasekhaya lwexesha elide. Izitiya zikwasetyenziswa njengesixhobo sokufunda kunye nokuhombisa imeko-bume.
(Umthombo: www.education.gov.za)

With the help of our HOD, (Mr. B Mwanda) who is a member of the International Methodist Church, the Men & Women of God got to visit our school and got to donate some shoes to our learners.. Greenfields Primary School together with the Greenfields community is eternally grateful for your donations and we pray that you continue doing good to others too.

With the help of our HOD, (Mr. B Mwanda) who is a member of the International Methodist Church, the Men & Women of God got to visit our school and got to donate some shoes to our learners.. Greenfields Primary School together with the Greenfields community is eternally grateful for your donations and we pray that you continue doing good to others too.

As Greenfield Primary School, we would like to extend our gratitude in thanking our service provider Smart-synergy Communications for donating 20 pairs of shoes to some of our learners that are in desperate need of school shoes, we would also like to mention that we are proud that our relationship with Smart-synergy Communications has went beyond just them being our service provider now that they have also stepped in as an upper hand to help assist some our disadvantaged learners with their needs.

As Greenfield Primary School, we would like to extend our gratitude in thanking our service provider Smart-synergy Communications for donating 20 pairs of shoes to some of our learners that are in desperate need of school shoes, we would also like to mention that we are proud that our relationship with Smart-synergy Communications has went beyond just them being our service provider now that they have also stepped in as an upper hand to help assist some our disadvantaged learners with their needs.